I just happened by the booth of Primitive and there they were, in all their glory. These posters sometimes only tangentially have anything to do with the movie. In most cases they are far, far more entertaining than the films. They are brilliant. There is an exhibit, Movie Mojo: Hand-Painted Posters from Ghana, running now and ending September 4, 2011 at the Chicago Cultural Center Exhibit Hall,, 76 E Washington Street in Chicago. Go to see them. The pieces exhibited at Art Chicago/Next (notice how I always say the exhibits together? I was never sure which one I was in) are fabulous but there are even more. There is also an exhibit of these pieces at Primitive, 130 North Jefferson St, Chicago.
There are other events, film screenings and artists talks associated with the exhibit (mostly over the summer). Go HERE for more information. Make an effort to go see these. They are remarkable.