Art Museum of the Americas of The Organization of American States (201 18th St, NW, Washington, DC) presents Art After Dark 7: Caribbean In Motion from 7 to 11 p.m., September 1, 2016.
The latest edition of the "after hours" event takes place in the French gardesn of the OAS. This event features large scale video art created by video artists from the Caribbean. Electro-op band, Incredible Change and Luis Gray Percussion World will perform, DJ Shea Van Horn will also be on hand. Performanace artist, Carolina Mayorga, will present her piece La Vie en Rose-2. More performers will also be on hand.
General $45
VIP $90 (includes private bar and area, a one-year AMA membership, and express check-in)
Raffle tickets: $5
Prizes include roundtrip airfare for 2 from Dulles to Panama City, sponsored by Copa Airlines.