Parlor Gallery (Asbury Park) showed work by Porkchop at Scope Miami 2017.
In addition to being an entree, Porkchop is an artist who creates a wide variety of work. On display at Scope were his altered versions of religions icons (and the like). The piece to the right, Mother East, is acrylic, resin and gold leaf on a found object.
The booth stood out in the midst of Scope almost like a creche from some strange church whose inspiration is both the Day of the Dead and some weird comic book.
Porkchip is a muralist, mixed media artist and (obviously) a sculptor. You can go to the Parlor website and see how varied the work is. Porkchop holds a BFA from University of the Arts Philadelphia and an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Most of the artist's work (not pictured here) isn't monochromatic with hints of gold but often colorful and with a variety of styles (while still having a thread of continuity).