I don't think I took the best pictures of Joe Zane's collection via Carroll and Sons Gallery at this show. It was a hilarious play-on-words installation appropriately titled "The Next One Will Be So Much Better." I particularly liked the splattered self-portraits along with the "Applause" and "Sorry" paintings. There's a certain sarcasm to the "Sorry" piece in cursive lettering, underlined, in bright red, and bigger than the rest of the pieces. This is the kind of forced, sardonic sorry you give your boss when your work is returned with red markings on it and what you actually mean to say is #$%&*@!
Under the "Thanks for Coming" piece you'll notice flyers about Zane... on the floor... in a messy pile. Some seemed actually stepped on.
***Cue Applause***
Carroll and Sons is located in Boston, MA.