First there is a single from Rockfire Funk Express, a band that recorded a single in 1973 at United Sound Systems. The two tracks were: People Save the World and Rockfire Funk Express. Both songs have sat in a vault somewhere for 40 years. The band morped into --until Death.
The rest is history…the history of punk according to the release…except no punks ever heard the songs. Nonetheless? Interesting ! But it HERE.
The other release--Tangmania—also rumored to have never really existed is by The Underwear Heads. Apparently the band included John Crenshaw (brother of Marshall Crenshaw). Also, according to the release, the six song EP was pressed for release on vinyl but all the copies were defective. This is the first actual release. Buy it HERE.
I have no idea as to the veracity of the origins of these releases. It could all be bullshit for all I know. Nonetheless both come out May 28, 2013.
Buy a bundle of both releases HERE.