"Fuck you, scalpers"--James Murphy
LCD’s James Murphy did the right thing, adding four shows March 28, 29, 30 and 31 (at Terminal Island). The shows will be limited to two per person when they go on sale on February 18th.
If these scalper weasels hadn’t been SO greedy, they would have gone unnoticed. But they had to get as many tickets as possible. I do not mean to piss on the show but NO ONE should buy a scalped ticket for this show or any other show from these vermin. We don’t need legislation (it is hard to write and enforce). Just stop patronizing these creatures who habitate one rung down from tow yard operators on the ladder of sentient life. Put them out of business, leave stadiums empty if you have to. I know people won’t because they just HAVE to see U2 or The Stones….
But it is a nice thought.
I wanted to add one thing. One question—did the scalpers figure out how to JOB Ticketmaster? Or was there something else going on here?
Part of James Murphy’s statement.
"... We were more than taken aback and surprised about the speed of ticket sales for the April 2nd MSG gig, as well as the effectiveness of scalper pieces of fucking shit at getting their hands on said tickets before fans could, and it's knocked us on our asses... We never dreamed some shitbags would try to get THOUSANDS for our show. It's insane... So to the point. You can't make everyone happy... But we've come up with the best solution I can think of, as quickly as possible so as to deflate the market for those scalping scumfucks: We're going to play 4 shows at Terminal 5 in NYC leading up to the MSG show, and they will include most if not all of the songs we play at MSG. The farewell run-up to the last dance... OBVIOUSLY we're going to look seriously at the way we sell these tickets... (though it'll take a minute to get folks in the door)... We're announcing all the shows at once, and if they don't sell out, I don't care. I just want to give people who actually want to see us a chance to see us. For a reasonable ticket price. And I want to drop the price of the MSG tickets being sold by piece of shit scalpers. Oh, and a small thing to scalpers: 'It's legal' is what people say when they don't have ethics. The law is there to set the LIMIT of what is PUNISHABLE (aka where the state needs to intervene) but we are supposed to have ethics, and that should be the primary guiding force in our actions... And to everyone else: Thank you. You rule. Don't let the shitbags win."
Full Statement by James Murphy --lcdsoundsystem.com