Wildcat! Wildcat!, the Los Angeles-based indie-electronic duo comprised of Jesse Carmichael and Jesse Taylor, have just released their latest catchy, tuneful track, featuring rapper Wynne, "Relentless." You can listen to "Relentless" on their Soundcloud page here.
The idea for "Relentless" started after the band's first show in Minneapolis, where they watched a "cheerfully intoxicated young girl" try multiple times to click her heels into the air until she finally got it right. The track solidified with the lyrics about restlessly trying and gained musical shape after working with their producer Ran Jackson. Jackson suggested a rapper for the bridge of the song, and even had an idea: up-and-coming young female rapper Wynne, who agreed to the idea quickly after he suggested it. Wynne's contribution helped complete the dark yet hook-filled synth-pop tune.
After spending the majority of 2013-2014 touring and playing dates with such names as Portugal The Man and Spoon, Wildcat! Wildcat! decided to spend the majority of 2015 writing new songs, which they are releasing individually for free. "Relentless" has already garnered a great deal of praise, including "A bobbing indie electronic tune with guitars, driven bass, deep sub, a slick rap verse from newcomer Wynne, and a killer chorus hook that I can't get out of my head" (Beautiful Buzz) and “With their new single ‘Relentless,’ L.A. duo Wildcat! Wildcat! officially graduates from ‘nice indie-pop band’ status to supersized purveyors of electronic music.” (Buzzbands LA)