Go buy it. And check out the video below.
They use synths but there is also an almost dirty, crunchy blues feel to the music. Often when bands try to mix divergent genres it is a mess--or one song sounds like one genre while the next another. Mynabirds LP, Generals, is cocmpletely seemless. Personal songs, political song, a sly sense of humor…What ELSE to do want?
Also check out some new tour dates with Okervil River below. We listed their dates earlier but...an update is appropriate.
* = newly announced dates with Okkervil River
7/25: Memphis, TN @ Hi-Tone Cafe
7/26: New Orleans, LA @ Circle Bar
7/27: Houston, TX @ Rudyard's
7/28: Austin, TX @ The Mohawk
7/30: Phoenix, AZ @ The Crescent Ballroom
7/31: Los Angeles, CA @ Satellite Club
8/1: San Francisco, CA @ Cafe du Nord
8/03: Seattle, WA @ Barboza
8/04-08/05: Happy Valley, OR – Pickathon
8/07: Boise, ID @ Neurolux
8/08: Salt Lake City, UT @ Kilby Court
8/09: Denver, CO @ Hi Dive
8/11: Omaha, NE @ MAHA Music Festival
8/24: Baton Rouge, LA @ Spanish Moon *
8/25: Mobile, AL @ Alabama Music Box *
8/27: Charlotte, NC @ Visulite Theatre *
8/28: Charlottesville, VA @ Jefferson Theater *
8/29: Baltimore, MD @ Ram's Head *
8/30: Pittsburgh, PA @ Mr. Smalls *