As you will notice the band is heading out on tour as well. They are from Brevard County, Florida (sorry about that guys...but on the plus side that is where all the pot bales that get dumped by smugglers used to wash ashore in the old days).
Hear some more music HERE.
# w Front Bottoms and So So Glos
* w Miniature Tigers
3.09 - Pensacola @ Handlebar #
3.13 - Austin, TX @ Sailor Jerry Party
3.13 - Austin, TX @ Holy Mountain Flowerbooking Showcase
3.21 - Chicago, IL @ Township
3.22 - Cincinnati, OH @ MOTR Pub
3.23 - Columbus, OH @ The Basement *
3.24 - St. Louis, MO @ Firebird *
3.25 - Dallas, TX @ Club Dada *
3.27 - Phoenix, AZ @ Rhythm Room *
3.28 - Santa Ana, CA @ Constellation Room *
3.29 - West Hollywood, CA @ Roxy Theatre *
3.30 - San Francisco, CA @ Rickshaw Stop *
4.01 - Salt Lake City, UT @ The Shred Shed *
4.02 - Denver, CO @ Walnut Room *