6:00 PM Charles Addams Fine Arts Gallery - Gallery opens
6:15 PM Welcome Address by Benjamin Leavenworth, Honorary Consul of Chile in Philadelphia.
Panel Discussion & Q&A:
Mark Devlin, Prof. of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Pennsylvania,
Christine Pfister, Director, Pentimenti Gallery,
Jackie Tileston, Artist & Assoc. Prof. of PennDesign Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, Benjamin L. Schmitt, NASA Space Technology Research Fellow & Ph.D. Candidate in Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania.
6:45 PM Reception & Refreshment
7:30 PM Tour of Penn Experimental Cosmology High Bay Facility (David Rittenhouse Laboratory at 209 South 33rd Street)
This project began three years ago as a bridge between the worlds of art and science. It promotes public awareness via research programs and acts as an inspiration to the next generation not only of scientists and technologists but fine artists as well.