I could have sworn I had extensive notes on Cédola. Indeed I would have sworn a piece where I waxed eloquent about his beautiful works, done terrible injustice by this photo. He is from La Plata, Argentina and is an mostly self-taught artist. His work is the sort of thing people sometimes say "I could do that" when they see them. I assure you, you could not. Do not say that out loud either. It just makes you look stupid.
His work is passionate, it DOES, call to mind children's crayon drawings; there is no way around that and also no way the artist didn't intend it. There is also a depth and complexity to this beyond the childlike qualities. Some are going to take the "childlike" as an insult but I have written the same of complex drawings of fairy tale themes. Much of what motivates artists and what is real (in my opinion) in art comes from the child in the artist--from dreams and the inexplicable. This view may just be the innate surrealist lurking in my brain, I admit that. Perhaps the artist intended none of it but that is part of the fun of art; you can have your own reasons for someone else's work. It can matter to you for reasons that never occurred to the artist.