I used to be nervous about design, feeling more comfortable with fine art. But the truth is that design is, or can be, fine art. It is just a different medium like painting is different from sculpture.
This fair will feature Design Curio, an exhibition showcasing immersive cabinets of curiosity. This premiered in Miami in 2014 and continues at Basel. Keep an eye on their website for more details.
Antonella Villanova
Armel Soyer
Art Factum Gallery
Caroline Van Hoek
Carpenters Workshop Gallery
Carwan Gallery
Cristina Grajales Gallery
Dansk Mobelkunst Gallery
Demisch Danant
Elisabetta Cipriani
Erastudio & Apartment Gallery
Franck Laigneau
Friedman Benda
Galerie Eric Philippe
Galerie Jacques Lacoste
Galerie kreo
Galerie Maria Wettergren
Galerie Matthieu Richard
Galerie Pascal Cuisinier
Galerie Patrick Seguin
Galerie VIVID
Galleri Feldt
Galleria O.
Galleria Rossella Colombari
Gallery ALL
Gallery FUMI
Gallery SEOMI
Hostler Burrows
Jousse Entreprise
LAFFANOUR - Galerie Downtown
Louisa Guinness Gallery
Magen H Gallery
Marc Heiremans
Moderne Gallery
Nilufar Gallery
Patrick Parrish Gallery
Pierre Marie Giraud
R & Company
Sarah Myerscough Gallery
Southern Guild
Thomas Fritsch - ARTRIUM
Victor Hunt Designart Dealer