O'Donoghue, from Manchester (U.K.), his work uses figures and abstraction in equal doses. In the piece above you see the crow but you also see other possibilities and forms in the work. The artist speaks about his art (in the context of an exhibition at the Royal Academy in 2012) HERE.
Soulages is a French painter, engraver and sculptor. He is in his mid 90s and continues to create. He was noted for his use of...black. It isn't that he did a lot of monochromatic work but just that, to him, black was a pivot point for his art--black in itself and its play with light as well as in contrast to other colors. His background also includes being a stage set designer. It is interesting how many painters and sculptors have that on their resume. A recent article from the New York Times discusses the artist's work in depth.
Archeus is an online gallery based in the U.K. They feature a variety of artists from household name sorts of artists to less widely known, more academic sorts.