The Amnesiac is the artist's most recent video work. It is a ten minute long single-channel video examining memory and landscape. The video is accompanied by 10 photos (Damage, 2014) made at the same location the video was created. These images include details of tree trunks showing past violence. His work explores that ever etheral boundary between the visible and invisible.
The exhibit also includes another single-channel video installation, Remains 2013.
Donherty was born and continues to live and work in Ireland. He has been shown at Tate Liverpool, the Rennaissance Society (Chicago), the Dallas Museum of Art, Lenbachhaus (Munich). He also has participated in the Biennale di Venezia (2007, 2005, 1993) and the Bienal de São Paulo (2002) and dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel (2012).